There are disappointingly few places to find pre-pro shot
glasses on the internet - if anyone knows of additional sites, please let me
Online auctions are, without doubt, the best places to find shot
glasses. eBay is the 200lb gorilla in this
regard and is such an important source of glasses that we've
devoted a section of this web site to
all matters eBay.
John Crary maintains a bottle-collecting
web site site that usually has shot glasses for sale. Well worth a visit from time to time.
Sweeney's Emporium is an online antique store that
specialises in Western items. It carries
a limited range of shots at overly inflated prices, but worth checking in on
from time to time.
Branford House Antiques includes a page of pre-pro shots.
Their prices are all over the map, suggesting that the owners don't have any real sense of worth, but patient and
persistent collectors may eventually find a bargain here.