A pair of free-standing tin signs advertising "Jersey Cream 1873" Whiskey, from L Eppstein & Son of Ft. Worth, TX. The signs are cut in the form of a cow and calf. The cow stands 3-3/4" tall and the calf stands at 2". Brand information is printed in red on the cow's side and the calf reads "Pure and Rich".

The obverse of both signs contain text. The back of the cow reads "The Doctor himself uses JERSEY CREAM (1873) WHISKEY and prescribes it in his family practice because of its absolute purity and remarkable freedom from fusel oil. Fusel oil is the element in other whiskies that is harmful. IT IS RECOMMENDED IN EVERY PARTICULAR BY THE UNITED STATES PHARMACOPOEIA. L. EPPSTEIN & SON / Kentucky Distillers / FORT WORTH, TEX. The back of the calf reads "JERSEY CREAM 1873 WHISKEY." Both were probably intended to stand on a saloon bar or back-bar.

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