
Original artwork and Greeting cards
by JuliaJaneArt




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Peter Arthur Ramsey (script) / (picture of a crate with two bottles sitting on it and two seals or medals in the background. The front of the crate reads: RAMSEY'S / TRINIDAD AROMATIC (arched) / BITTERS, while the end reads: D&Co) / TRADE MARK REGISTERED

ID#: RRP1231

Close-up of the label
How do I buy this glass?
see details below
Glass Category:Bitters
Glass Type:Thin-walled shot, 14 ground flutes around base
Label Type:Label under glass, in base, brown on white background.
Dimensions:2-1/2 " x 2-1/8 " x 1-11/16"
Edmonson:Not listed
State:West Indies
Brand Registered:1888
In 1991, Eric McGuire, of Petaluma, California, did us a great favor by publishing Bottled Products And The U.S. Patent Office. Information that has not been readily available, a total of 13,777 nineteenth century registrations, is listed and cross referenced in three volumes totaling 1965 pages on 22 microfiche sheets. Only from McGuire do we learn that Durant and Company, a firm in Trinidad, British West Indies, began to put out this brand in May, 1887, and registered the trademark on May 8, 1888. The essential features of the trademark consisted of a box or packing case with two labeled bottles standing upright upon the cover, the words "Ramsey's Trinidad Aromatic Bitters" on the side of the box, and the signature of Peter Arthur Ramsey, who must have been the fellow who concocted the formula originally. (From "Medicine Chest", a column by Dr. Richard Cannon for Antique Bottle & Glass Collector magazine).

The trade mark registered by Durant & Co.:

Brand names used by this company include: "Ramsey's Trinidad Aromatic Bitters."

Company name timeline:
Durant and Co.

Address timeline:
No information

Find out more about Durant and Co.

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This glass is shown for informational purposes only and is not for sale.

We MAY be able to find a glass like this for you, however.

Be warned, these glasses are rare antiques, around 100 years old. Prices typically range from $30 or so on the more common glasses (e.g., a Hayner or a Detrick) to $250+ on desirable picture glasses.

Please send a message expressing your interest using the comment box below -- and don't forget to include an e-mail address or we have no way of knowing who to reply to!

Re glass ID# RRP1231:

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