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The Mt Vernon Distillery
RD #3, Maryland
Baltimore County, MD

(Est. 1858)

The distillery was owned by the Hannis Distilling Co. of Philadelphia: see the listing for the head office for more details and images of Mt Vernon whiskey bottles and advertising.

1880: A detailed plan of the distillery at Russel & Ostend Sts. as it appeared to Ernest Hexamer, an insurance surveyor, can be found at www.philageohistory.org: (http://www.philageohistory.org/rdic-images/view-image.cfm/HGSv16.1499). It shows that the distillery itself was built ca. 1858 and that there were three warehouses. Warehouse A (four story, brick with a slate roof) was built in 1866, Warehouse B (four story, brick with a slate roof) in 1879, and Warehouse C (one story, brick with a gravel roof) in 1880. There were three stills: one wood, two copper, and all heated by steam. The distillery employed 14 men.

Hexamer resurveyed the plant in 1890 and found it to have grown considerably and now employed 26 men. The old warehouses had been torn down or remodeled as follows:
Warehouse A: built in 1866 and rebuilt 1879. Four story, brick with a slate roof.
Warehouse B: built in 1880. Two story, brick with a gravel roof.
Warehouse C: built in 1881. Two story, brick with a gravel roof.
Warehouse E: built in 1881. Three story, brick with a gravel roof.
Warehouse H (a pencil annotation of the plan renames this as "F" and notes that it is half Free, half Bonded): built in 1890. Four story, brick with a slag roof.
Warehouse K: Four story, brick with a mastic roof.
Warehouse L: built in 1881/1882. Three story, brick with a gravel roof.

1897: The MD State Tax Commissioner reports that the taxable value of distilled spirits for this year was $391,392. The distillery was operated by the Hannis Distilling Co., Horace W White, Manager.

1905: The MD State Tax Commissioner reports that the taxable value of distilled spirits for Hannis Distilling Co. in this year was $420,300.

1907: The taxable value of distilled spirits for the Hannis Distilling Co. for this year was $442,216.

1909: The taxable value of distilled spirits for the Mt Vernon distillery for this year was $343,452.

Review bonded warehouse transactions for this distillery

The distillery as it appeared in 1880.

Internal Revenue recorded warehouse transactions for The Mt Vernon Distillery as follows:
( explain: origin of these records, letter codes )

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