The pre-pro Project: Implementation

( began 10-1-2004 )

Phase I - Design
R Gather the tools and techniques required to implement The Project  2-1-05
R Design and normalize the new database 2-1-05
Phase II - Implement the shot-glass database
R Script  index and glass view pages 4-1-05
R Reformat existing database and load into the new  (view result) 4-16-05
R Reformat the Cumulative Database to accommodate the new design (view result) 5-1-05
R Construct database Search routines (view result) 5-14-05
Phase III - Incorporate the City Database
R Script vendor view page 5-30-05
R Reformat the City Database and load into the new 4-24-05
R Link the static City Database view pages to Midacore 6-4-05
£ Construct a global Search routine in progress
£ Match the shot glasses with vendors in progress
£ Integrate Edmonson into the vendor database
Phase IV - Incorporate Snyder & Mida
R Reformat the Snyder database 5-21-05
R Match Snyder with the Vendors 5-22-05
R Bring Snyder online (view result) 5-28-05
R Update global Search page to incorporate Snyder (view result) 5-28-05
£ Bring Mida online
£ Incorporate Mida into the Snyder database  
Phase V - Incorporate Bottles, Jugs & Go-Withs
£ Design databases for bottles & jugs using appropriate descriptors in progress
£ Scan and format letterheads and other paper materials in progress
£ Populate the databases in progress
£ Design and implement relevant gateways and view pages
Phase VI - Loose Ends
£ Update individual collector miniwebs
£ Update links within pre-pro
£ Validate new links within pre-pro and within the databases
Phase VII - Maintenance and beyond
£ Design password protected web interfaces to allow collectors to edit the listings
£ Extract rarity and value data from auction databases
£ Incorporate rarity scales into shot-glass database, implement valuation service