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----- Original Message -----
From: "William Tomz"
To: "Robin R. Preston"
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 2:45 PM
Subject:  The Chase Shot



I finally went to a bottle show in Columbia, SC and really enjoyed myself .  I picked up 4 nice pre-pros out of about 35 shots on one table. I picked up "The Chase" shot , a "JJ Douglas Co." shot, a "Brown Forman distillers Co." shot, and a "Ask for Jesse Moore" shot.  One of the shots was a rare shot ( or as Barbara Edmonson stated on p. 17 of HSG .......The rarest of the Jesse Moore glasses ) so I picked it up thinking it was different than the one I had, only to get home and find out I already had it. Here are the 2 shots -- enjoy!!
