
Welcome to the Rich Lucchesi glass collection!  This mini-web within  showcases Rich's remarkable collection of bottles and glasses from western distillers and wholesalers.  

        Rich, like many of our shot-collecting colleagues, has a world-class bottle collection whose worth greatly exceeds that of his shot glasses.  Here, we're lucky enough to see the old glasses and bottles reunited in a series of collector showcase pages that focus on a particular distiller or retailer.  This is an experimental work-in-progress: if you have any requests or ideas as to how improve these pages, please feel free to contact  either of us at or


pre-Pro Project Showcase Pages:



     If you've just dropped in to view the shot glasses that Rich has in his e-collection, then you can enjoy them two different ways.   If you click here, you'll be taken to an alphabetical listing of all glasses in the online collection, sorted by first word on the glass.  You can also view the glasses showcased in thumbnail pages.  Clicking on any of the photographs you see on a thumbnail page takes you to the relevant  page in the database.  These include a larger photo of the thumbnail plus any pertinent information regarding the glass and its origins.If you're interested in having your own shot glasses showcased in a mini-web like this, please contact the  There is no charge.   Many thanks to Rich for providing the photos and for allowing us to enjoy his amazing collection!



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All rights reserved.