
  Conventions used in HSG and OASG


The  conventions established by Barbara Edmonson in cataloging glasses listed in Historic Shot Glasses and Old Advertising Spirits Glasses are reproduced below. 

Glasses Entries are arranged in order of the initial letter of the word that is printed on the glass: e.g.,

Absolutely pure rye...

Compliments of...

1849 (Eighteen forty nine)...

Estab. 1874...

Hand made....

Jack Tar...

The Old Maid Whiskey...

Trade Mark....

except for proper names, when entries are listed in order of the first letter of the family name, e.g.,

Lord Baltimore

Leo Bloom & Co.

Dr. C. Bouvier

I. W. Harper

Dan Patch 

To locate a glass, select either the HSG or OASG Gateway and click on one of the page links based on the alphabetical ranges  presented, or turn to the Index pages and select a page number based on State or City. 



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last updated: October 16, 2009                 

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