I don't remember the first time I met Bob Barnett, at another show, I'm sure.  I got on his mailing list and was soon buying glasses from him.  For a long time this was my main method of acquisition.  The best place to buy glasses, especially if you want a deal, is at shows.  Unfortunately, many of the larger shows are in California, a long ways off.  Two states over is no big deal in the Eastern U.S.; out here it's a full days drive or more.  So, my collection grew, but slowly.   Competition for the better glasses was fierce, and could be frustrating.  Even though I would grab the list from the mail carrier, dialing the phone as I did so, I couldn't seem to get thru first.  I often settled for glasses that weren't as desirable. Bob had told me that most collectors started out trying to get everything under the sun, until they realized how much was out there.  I didn't believe him, not at first.  I finally noticed that the Western glasses sold quickly, while many of the Eastern glasses, as nice or nicer, languished.  So, I decided to buy from anywhere in the U.S., but only what I found attractive.

I made it to a couple of National bottle shows and bought quite a lot, especially from Paul Van Vactor, one of the biggest dealers around, and a true Southern Gentleman.  I also got to meet Barbara Edmonson at a show in her hometown of Chico, California.   Barbara's books were (and are) the bible for pre-pro collectors.  I've read them over and over again.  I also did some buying/selling with Ken Schwartz and Ralph Van Brocklin, two prominent members of the collecting community, as well as people I met through bottle mags.   I still didn't have any hand enameled or L.U.G.'s.

I finally picked up the DOUBLE EAGLE WHISKEY [ Figure 2 ] from a local antiques dealer after I bought a couple of glasses and she casually mentioned that her father had collected them.  This was a definite coup for me.  I'm not much at networking (something that all great collectors are good at); it's a must for ferreting out scarcer pieces.  Shoulda been here earlier dept...I contacted a dealer in a depression glass sales rag about two pre-pros she had listed.  She told me that they were the last two of a 300+ collection she had accumulated.  Ouch!
Figure 2

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