Edward T Maguire Co. (1870-1918)
Edward T Maguire (1870-1907), Edward T Maguire Co. (1908-1918) (101) Race c Front (1870-1882), 200-204 N Front (1885-1918)
James Maguire Co. (1872-1915)
James Maguire (1872-1900), James Maguire (Estate) (1901-1904), James (Jas) Maguire Co. (1905-1915) 3 rd & Noble (1884), 4 th c Callowhill (1883), 301 Market (1883), 470-473 N 3 rd (1884-1915)
John Maguire (1882)
John Maguire 4351 Germantown Ave
John D Maguire (1884-1916)
John Maguire & Son (1884), John D Maguire (1890-1891), J D & J E Maguire (1892-1906), John D Maguire (1906-1916) 4700-4702 Germantown (1890-1894), 5324 Germantown Ave (1895-1914)
C Martel & Co. (1873-1892)
Caliste Martel (1873-1891), Carlisle ... (1875, 1880), C Martel & Co. (1892) 226 S 9 th
Daniel Martin (1870-1881)
Daniel Martin 738 7 th (1870-1880), 701 Fitzwater (1881)
Thomas J Martin & Co. (1870-1898)
Thomas J Martin & Co. 150 N Front (1871), & S 12 th c Washington Ave (D: 1870-1872), 18 S Front & 17 Letitia (W: 1871-1872), 101 Arch & Front (1880-1894), 102 N 3 rd (1895-1898)
A E Massman Bros & Co. (1870-1916)
A E Massman & Co. (1870-1878), A E Massman Bros & Co. (1880-1916) 339 N Front (1876), 124 Walnut (1870-1908), & 19 Granite (1870, 1884 1892), 3811 N 16 th (1916)
Philip Massmann (1910-1912)
Philip Massmann 706 Walnut (1910), 119 Walnut (1911-1912)
Michael Matthews (1878-1908)
Michael Matthews (1878-1884), Michael Matthews & Co (1890-1908), also spelled M Mathews & Co in many years 134 Arch (1878), 109 Market (1880-1908)
Michael F McDonough & Co. (1880-1918)
McDonough & Gleason (1880), Michael F McDonough & Co. (1881-1918) 117 S Front (1880-1886), 223-225 S Front (1890-1918)
John McGlinn's Sons (1855-1904)
John McGlinn (1855-1859), John McGlinn & Sons (1860-1878), John McGlinn's Sons (1879-1904) 1823 Market & S 2 nd c Dock (1870, 1872), & 116 Walnut (1873-1875)
John McGlinn & Co. (1875-1880)
John McGlinn & Co. (1875), McGlinn & McCann (1878-1880) Brown at 2 nd (1878), 736 N 2 nd (1880)
John McGlinn & Co. (1875-1918)
John McGlinn & Co. (1875-1877), Boyle & McGlinn (1884-1903), John McGlinn & Co. (1904-1907), John J McGlinn Distilling Co. (1908-1918) 200 Brown (1875), 736 N 2 nd (1876, 1877) , 145-147 S 2 nd (1884-1906), 145 S 2 nd (1907-1916), 143 S 2 nd (1917-1918)
Michael McGlinn (1880-1890)
Michael McGlinn S 21st cor Loucst (1880), 418 S 17 th (1890)
John McGlone (1891-1896)
John McGlone 1220 Callowhill (1891), 932 Poplar (1896)
John McGoldrick (1891)
John McGoldrick (Boyds), Ann (Gopsill's) 1110 Filbert
Meyerhoff & Co (1870-1871)
Meyerhoff & Co 106 Margaretta
Robert Meyerhoff (1872-1886)
Robert Meyerhoff (1872-1873), R & H Meyerhoff (1874-1877), Robert Meyerhoff (1884), Jacob Meyerhoff (1886) 488 N 3rd (1872-1877), 508 S 4 th (1884-1886)
Geo W Middleton & Co. (1845-1886)
G W Middleton (1871), Geo W Middleton & Co. (1873-1886) 27 N Front (1871), 310-312 Master (1873-1875), 228 S Front (1876-1886), & 131 Dock (1876), 11 Market (1885-1886), & 129 Walnut (1883-1885)
Miller & Mooney (1882-1902)
Middleton, Miller & Mooney (1882), Miller & Mooney (1883-1902) 230 S Front (1882-1883), 206-208 S Front (1884-1902), & 133 Dock (1883)
John Monroe & Co. (1870-1877)
John Monroe & Co. (1870-1876), John Monroe (1877) Coates c N 7th (1870-1872), 701 N 7th (1874 - 7th & Fairmount), 754 S 4 th (1877)
Lawrence Monroe (1873)
Lawrence Monroe N 12 th c Wood, N 13 th c Callowhill, N 15 th c Callowhill
William J Mulherin (1887-1918)
William J Mulherin (1890-1893), William Mulherin & Sons (1894-1911), William Mulherin's Sons (1915-1918) 1355 N Front (1890-1910, 1912-1918), 1903 Front & Master (1897, 1905, 1913) (SE corner of Front & Master)
H & J Myers (1870-1877)
H & J Myers (1870-1875), H Myers & Hano (1876-77) 134 Walnut (1870-1877), and 151 Dock (1871-1877), & 27 Granite (1872-1875)
Benjamin Myers (1871)
Benjamin Myers Buttonwood c N 3 rd
A & H Myers, Angelo Myers Distilling Co. (1874-1918)
A & H Myers (1878-1892), Henry Myers "successor to A & H Myers" (1893-1894), Angelo Myers (1895-1908) Angelo Myers Distillery Inc, (1906-1917) Angelo Myers Distilling Co. Inc. (1918) 405 N 3 rd (1878-1880), 57 N 3 rd (1894), 311-313 N 3 rd (1881-1918)
Joseph Myers' Son & Co. (1876-1883)
Joseph Myers' Son & Co. (1876-1881), Joseph Myers & Son (1882) 206-208 S Front
Hermann M Myers (1880-1896)
Hermann M Myers (1880-1891), H M Myers & Son (1892-1896) 116 Walnut (1880-1891), & 11 Granite (1882-1883) 243 S 2 nd (1892-1896)