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The Clifton Springs Distillery
RD #1, 1 st District
County, OH

(Est. 1849)

1849: The distillery was established by McLean and Shaddinger, later passing into the hands of Milles W. Sausser, Buchanan & Co., and Marmaduke Dodsworth.

1857: The distillery was destroyed by fire.

1872: Caleb Dodsworth became owner after "trouble which ensued from the endeavor of the Government to collect revenue taxes".

1889: On August 17 of this year, the Clifton Springs Distillery Co. was incorporated. Principals are are Caleb Dodsworth, et al., J G. Schmidlapp, and Max Senior.

1895: The Chicago Tribune reports in its May 31 edition that fire destroyed the cooper shop and rectifying house, a loss (insured) of $30,000. The newspaper also noted that it was a Trust distillery.

By 1914, the plant occupied 7 acres of land between the Mill Creek, the B&O Railroad, and the Miami-Erie Canal. The poperty included a distillery and redistillery with a mashing capacity of 4,000 bushels per day, a 100,000 bushel capacity grain elevator, three warehouses holding 35,000 barrels, and three dry houses producing 6,000 tons of dry feed annually.

The Clifton Springs Distillery Co. paid $3,381,415.51 in taxes during 1913, $100,000 in wages, and was using 1,000,000 bushels of grain annually.

The company officers were William F. Ray, President and General Manager, and Herman F. Cellarius, Vice President and Treasurer.

From "Souvenir~History of Cumminsville" (1914).

Review bonded warehouse transactions for this distillery

Internal Revenue recorded warehouse transactions for The Clifton Springs Distillery as follows:
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