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The G W Jones Distillery
RD #7, 23 rd District
Fayette County, PA

According to the Pittsburgh Legal Journal (Jan. 21 1891, 9. 231 :McCracken & Son vs Hamburger), the George W Jones distillery was being run in the 1880's by George W Jones and Philip Hamburger under Jones' name.

In October, 1883, Hamburger became sole owner after paying Jones $16,273.49 for the distillery and brand, although Jones remained as distiller and essentially ran the plant as he had before. His annual salary was capped at $1,200. It is possible that the transfer of ownership was a legal dodge to try and escape some of the debts that Jones had run up in the past, but he was also nearing the end of his life and perhaps wanted to hand over control.

1886: George W Jones died in March but Hamburger kept the distillery running under his former partner's name.

1903: Pittsburg directories are now listing "The Hamburger Distillery Ltd."

Review bonded warehouse transactions for this distillery

Internal Revenue recorded warehouse transactions for The G W Jones Distillery as follows:
( explain: origin of these records, letter codes )

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