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The Spring Hill Distillery
RD #37, 7 th District
Franklin County, KY

Cecil suggests that RD #37 was referred to as the "Daniel Boone" in 1870, but a decade later it was registered to John Cochran & Co. It produced "Spring Hill" and "Franklin" brands of whiskey.

Insurance underwriter records compiled in 1892 are unusual in their descriptions of the distillery and its operations. They suggest that the distillery was part stone and part frame construction with a metal or slate roof, with a frame cattle shed housing cattle to be fattened by the slops.
The distillery had its own cooper shop and two warehouses, one a bonded house, the other a "Quick Age". Both were stone buildings with metal or slate roofs, the former set at 150 ft SW of the still house, the latter 50 ft south.

At the time the records were made, the distillery was being run by John Cochran & Co., but Cecil notes that it was sold to The Trust in 1899, and then to a "Cincinnati Rectifying house in 1910". It was decommissioned and used (in more ways than one) as a chair factory in 1919.

City Directory and Internal revenue records have the distillery listed under the John Cochran & Co. banner until 1919, but also as the "Franklin Distilling Co." from 1912 to 1919.

Review bonded warehouse transactions for this distillery

Internal Revenue recorded warehouse transactions for The Spring Hill Distillery as follows:
( explain: origin of these records, letter codes )

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